Self-Loading Batching Plants Make It Easy To Produce Concrete of the Required Quantity and Quality

A batching plant for concrete is equipment that makes it much easier for contractor’s who undertake concreting works. A self loading concrete mixer truck is a place where concrete is made. Concrete is a mixture that has several components that can be cement, sand, gravel, and water. These components have to be added in the right proportions that are ascertained by designing concrete mixes to give the required strength, depending on the properties that each of the components has. While cement and water have fairly standard properties, sand, gravel,  and other aggregates will have different physical properties that greatly affect the final strength of the concrete. This can depend on the geological composition of the original stone from which these aggregates are made, their sizes, their fineness, their shapes and other factors.

All these properties are determined by laboratory engineers and concrete mixes designed so that the required proportions of each of these materials, plus the cement and water, will give the required design strength. It then becomes important to see that the concrete is mixed in the exact proportions as indicated in the design. A self loading mobile concrete mixer for sale has a central mixer around which bins of sand, aggregates, and a cement silo are placed. A water tank with gravity feed is often installed adjacent to the batching plant or may be a part of the equipment. The required materials are loaded into weighing hoppers that can be programmed to use different weights. Once the aggregates, sand, and cement are discharged into the mixer, which can be a pan or drum type, the required quantity of water is then added, and the mixer operated for the required time to create the concrete mixture. Some self-loading batching plants may produce a dry mix that is then discharged into truck mixers for carrying to the place where concrete is required. Water is added in the truck mixer before the concrete is discharged at a site. This system is used for concreting in locations that are at distances from the batching plant, and where a number of sites need to be served. Click here to get more information:

self loading batching plant
self loading batching plant

Plants can be mobile or stationary, depending on the project. A self-loading batching plant is used for building sites, precast yards and any other places where a continuous supply of concrete is needed. It also has the advantage of ensuring quality concrete at all times, because of the control over the loads made easier through programmable controllers. You can also get these plants with manual controls. Most of these plants are easy to set up and can start functioning within a few hours of reaching the site where they are installed. They can be of different capacities, and it is important that a contractor buy one of a size that allows him to meet all his concreting requirements, both in quantity and quality, while still making it economical to produce the required concrete.

A mini concrete mixer truck for sale can also be used to load concrete directly into concreting pumps, and this is useful where larger distances and heights are required to be catered to.